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Apply Now: Research Operations Financial Analyst

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Job Details

Research Operations Financial Analyst

Palo Alto, CA, 94301

• Develop and manage complex budgets and forecasting/projection scenarios for all Senior Associate Dean Research (SADR) operating units.
• Construct and perform ad hoc analysis from large complex data set. Using advanced excel and Smartsheet/google sheet skills to provide reporting for executive presentations, consolidating and manipulating data, utilizing tools as pivot tables, match, and VLOOKUP's in a format that is easily understood by all stakeholders.  Identify trends in data, draw conclusions develop solutions and present recommendations to management.
• Analyze financial data across SADR operating units to identify emerging trends and make timely recommendations to management.
• Take the lead to develop the first draft of complex financial modeling, budgeting and forecasting scenarios to inform planning with unit-wide or maybe school-wide impact.
• Prepare and present quarterly financial snapshot and assist management annual operating budget process of all operating units.
• Manage end-to-end finance function for the units frequently requires strategic analysis to understand the financial implication of various high-profile decisions with guidance from management.
• Conduct in-depth analysis in partnership with management to assess and resolve any short-term issues to ensure SADR financial remains on track with long-term goals of the school and the University.
• Supervisory experience (1 - 2 staff)

• Requirements:
supervisory experience
strong analytical and problem solving skills
advanced proficiency in Excel, Smartsheet, and google sheet experience working in academic/research/healthcare or non-profit setting
Hybrid on site Wednesday and Thursday.

Compensation: 45-51.23 Hourly W2